HEL3008 Health And Wellbeing In Society
Assessment Brief:
HEL3008 Health And Wellbeing In Society Assignment
Please read this assessment brief carefully and ask your Module Leader (Paula
Smith) about anything you don’t understand. You can ask questions during
sessions; at the Module/Assessment Launch; using the forum on Moodle; or by
emailing the Module Leader:
Module Learning Outcomes
1. Identify factors that affect the health and well-being of individuals, communities
and populations using supporting evidence.
2. Outline approaches and models utilised to improve health and well-being.
3. Present and explain information regarding health inequalities, drawing upon
appropriate evidence.
4. Demonstrate the way in which professionals can impact on health and well-
HEL3008 Health And Wellbeing In Society
There are two items of assessment for this module:
Group Presentation: Copy of Group Presentation and Record of Group
Working (75% of module mark) to be uploaded to Moodle before midday on
Thursday 10 th September 2020.
Students will work in groups of 3. Each student will contribute 5 minutes to the
overall 15 minute presentation to ensure that they meet learning outcomes 1- 3.
Written piece (25% of module mark) to be submitted via Moodle before midday
on Monday 21 st September 2020.
600 word written piece demonstrating achievement of learning outcome 4.
Group presentation
The group presentation will focus on learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3 (see above).
You are required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation and to add audio to each
PowerPoint slide. The total audio should be 15 minutes long (based on a group of
three students with each student contributing 5 minutes to the presentation).
To add audio to your PowerPoint see this link www.mmm
To save your file to your BCU one drive see this link www.mmm
HEL3008 Health And Wellbeing In Society
How the groups will be selected
You will work in groups of 3. You will be given an opportunity to choose your own
group. You must confirm your group by email to your module leader XXX@gmail.com before XXnd June 2020. If you have not chosen a group by
that time, your Module Leader will allocate students to groups.
Group working and group mark
You should nominate a group leader who will be responsible for uploading your
link to the file on your BCU one drive containing your group presentation and
your “record of group working” to Moodle before midday on Thursday 10 th
September 2020. These should both be copied and pasted into the
assessment feedback and coversheet (in the submission section of moodle).
Late submissions will be subject to penalties and non-submissions will count as a
Your presentation will be awarded a group mark based on how far the presentation
as a whole meets the marking criteria. However, the group mark may be adjusted
for individuals to reflect levels of engagement in the group task.
The level of engagement will be assessed by the Module Tutors based on a “record
of group working”. This should briefly list all virtual group meetings; who was
present/absent; what tasks were allocated to individual members; and progress on
This means that you need to make sure you are available at any sessions when you
are working on the group presentation; for tutorials; and you must attend for the whole session at which you are presenting. If you are not able to do this, you, as an
individual, are likely to lose marks.
What should be included in the presentation
The following should be considered as part of the presentation:
As a group, choose one of the following models or frameworks covered in the
- Social Model of Health
- Ottawa Charter Model of Health Promotion
- Dahlgren and Whitehead
- Societal Change (in Ewles and Simnett)
- Legislative Action/Policy Change (in Beattie)
- Marmot Framework
Your presentation should be referenced appropriately throughout and you
should also include a references list at the end of the presentation.
Briefly outline your chosen model/framework using academic
Identify factors that would be considered within this model and which
effect the health and well-being of individuals, communities and
populations using supporting evidence.
Use the model to present and explain health inequalities, drawing upon
appropriate evidence.
Demonstrate collaboration and team work. There are several elements of
this that we will be assessing, the work that individual students have put in
prior to delivery of the presentation, to jointly prepare the presentation. You
must keep a record of your group working to produce the completed
presentation. This should include dates and nature of meetings (e.g. face-to-
face or whatsapp); who attended and who was missing; what was agreed.
Students who do not engage sufficiently with the preparation process
(including attending tutorials) will lose marks.
Demonstrate ability to communicate ideas clearly in the spoken form –
an integral part of the role of individuals working within the health related
professions – using visual aids (images, diagrams, tables, video clips) to
enhance this. This will also include adequate rehearsal time and time
Tips for success
Start meeting early and regularly
Agree who will act as group leader
Get email addresses for each other and set up whatsapp or other forums for
Work together to decide which model/framework you will focus on
Discuss your styles of working and agree strategies for managing difference (e.g.
prefer virtual/face-to-face working; like to plan ahead/like to leave things to the
last minute)
Be reasonable (e.g. on meeting dates and times)
Talk about expectations (e.g. that you will be present at lectures so that you can
easily meet face-to-face)
Read widely using appropriate academic literature (module online reading list;
moodle materials; summon resources)
Identify and use different people’s strengths within the group (e.g. design skills for
presentation; organisation etc)
Support each other – make time to rehearse and be there for each other to cope
with nerves
Try to resolve difficulties by talking to each other but also copy your Module
Leader into any emails if you have concerns or if someone isn’t responding
Enjoy the presentation – this is a chance for you to be creative and show off your
HEL3008 Health And Wellbeing In Society
600 word written piece
Please read this carefully and ask questions about anything that you don’t
A 600 word written piece demonstrating how professionals can impact on the health
and well-being of society.
Use academic literature (from the reading list and beyond; moodle materials;
materials from Summon; materials from your profession’s websites)
Introduction: your introduction should identify the professional group that your
written piece will consider and say why you are focusing on this group. For example
students are expected to choose a professional group which reflects their
future professional aspirations (e.g. if you are intending to move onto midwifery after the foundation year, you should state this and should write about midwifery).
Main body:
Identify the kinds of factors affecting health that your chosen professional group
will focus on (make sure you back this up with evidence e.g. a reference).
Discuss the opportunities and constraints for your chosen professional group in
promoting health and well-being in society and tackling health inequalities either
as a group or in collaboration with other groups.
Conclusion: conclude your essay identifying the contribution your professional
group will make to health and well-being in society.
Tips for success
Use module content to discuss the role of your profession. For example
consider how far your profession promotes health compared to treating disease.
Consider the scope for your profession to reduce health inequalities. Or the
scope to act on wider determinants of health (e.g. environment; housing; income
and employment)
Use evidence to back up points made (don’t make assumptions or write what
you’d like to be the case)
Look for case studies or examples to help you consider how your professional
group might collaborate with other groups.
Start working on this early.
Make sure your conclusion is based on the discussion in the main part of your
Take up tutorial support. Talk through ideas with your Module Tutor.