PSY002-1 Psychology Assignment UK
WORD COUNT: 2,000 (+/- 10%)
To recap the experiment and methodology
Conduct the analysis for the report
To cover what should be written in the report.
Go over common feedback from the previous report.
PSY002-1 Psychology Assignment UK

This experiment explored if naturalistic auditory distraction
impeded a choice reaction task:
2 Groups
O Control – No audio distraction
O Experimental – Heard a loop of a three month old baby crying during task

Participants completed the Deary-Liewald reaction time task
O Specifically we are analysing the Choice Reaction
Time Task (CRT)

PSY002-1 Psychology Assignment UK

Title – You should make your own title. Remember the

  • Titles should be informative
  • Not written as a question
  • Should say what you did (Design)
  • Should refer to the IV and DV

Abstract should be a short concise summary of each section
of your report

  • Try to include a sentence or two from each section
  • No requirement for citations
  • No requirement to report anything other than ‘p’ values for results


  • What is distraction (focus auditory)? Why is it important? Think about current working circumstances under COVID restrictions. CITE SOURCES!
  • What research has already been conducted?
  • What studies are similar and different? Discuss these! Compare and Critique
  • Why should more research take place?
  • How could this research benefit the literature/society?
  • “Participants’ who hear the naturalistic auditory distraction will take significantly longer to respond to the choice reaction time task when compared to a control.”
  • Do not feel that you must copy the hypothesis word for word…you may edit it slightly to help it fit in your introduction.

Your method section should provide enough detailed information so another psychologist can easily replicate it.
It shouldn’t be hard to determine what was measured, who took part, what materials were used and exactly what took place.

PSY002-1 Psychology Assignment UK

Experimental Or Non Experimental?
What design is it? Independent or repeated measures?

Independent Variable

  • How many levels do they have?
  • What are they?

Dependent Variable?


 How many took part? – We will be doing this shortly…

 Who are they, how were they recruited?

 How many males/ females were there? – next slide

 What is the average age and std deviation? – next slide


What was used?

  • Were there specific measures?
  • Specific machines, give model numbers, programs used etc.
  • Any additional equipment?

What examples could be included?
You could include a screen grab of the experiment taking place
(available on BREO).


  • What happened? This should be chronological.
  • What EXACTLY was said by the experimenter that differed between groups?
  • Ethics- what must you include?
    Any specific issues?
    E.G. Exclusion of people who felt unwell

> Are you the experimenter or participant?

> What tense is it written in? Past, present or future?

> Is your report written from a first person or third person perspective?


Results Section : We will be doing this shortly
You should include:

Explain how you will address the hypothesis.
Written account of descriptive statistics
Written account of inferential stats tests with APA formatted
E.G. t(??) = ??, p=??
A bar chart with error bars that illustrates the findings.

PSY002-1 Psychology Assignment UK



  • What was the hypothesis?
  • Was it accepted or rejected?
  • Does this result match the research discussed in your introduction and/or other research your have found?
  • What does this finding mean?
  • What would you do next? (Remember third person)

Open the data file under “Assessment and Feedback”
“Assessment 1”
Generate the following:
Participants Section:

  • Average & SD for age
  • Age minimum and maximum
  • Frequency of Males and Females
  • Frequency of Parental Status

PSY002-1 Psychology Assignment UK

Results Section:

Run appropriate t-test
Grouping variable is the condition variable (1 & 2)
Test variable is the score
*Generate a bar chart with error bars
Make axis labels nice if needed.

To start writing this report read about divided attention, think
about specific instances in everyday life that this might be

  • Discover/Google Scholar

Start to read more broadly. Look for specific journal
articles from academic sources, NOT Wikipedia, Psych
Central or similar sources.

Write in your own words.


  • The introduction is often too similar to previous sources.
  • No evidence that any research has been carried out to write the report,
    students do not always find journals beyond those given.
  • The method section sometimes sounds like a shopping list rather written in
  • In-text references aren’t in the Reference section and vice versa.
  • SPSS tables are in the results section instead of own tables in word.
  • Discussion just ends, does not relate back to previous theories, empirical
    studies or new ideas for research


Referencing & Citations

You MUST use the APA style
You MUST use reputable sources

  • NO: Wikipedia, random websites, newspapers
  • YES: Textbooks, Journal Articles!

Each citation should have a reference and each reference should be cited in
the text.


  • There were a high number of assignments that were highly similar to other sources. Many of these failed the first report.
  • It is ESEENTIAL that you write in your own words and do not copy from ANY sources.
  • The plagiarism software we use is incredibly sophisticated and you will fail if you copy from any sources.



  • You must submit using a word document format (.doc or .docx). Failure
    to submit using this format will result in your failing.
  • You must also submit your work ON TIME! No excuses, as these will not
    be accepted. If you have issues, you must apply for mitigation and
    forward the approval to the unit coordinator.

PSY002-1 Psychology Assignment – UK

PSY002-1 Psychology Assignment UK


  • It was evident that many students did not read anything beyond the
    journal articles provided. Some didn’t appear to even read these.
  • This report REQUIRES you to conduct a literature search and include this
    in your introduction/discussion.
  • You have only been given ONE journal article for this report, it is
    essential that you spend time finding relevant literature.


Use the remainder of this session to catch up with anything
you have missed with your tutor!
Post questions on the discussion forum in the assessment 1

  • Tutors will check this weekly and answer questions
  • Please help by trying to answer your peers’ questions (great way to anchor your own knowledge!)

On the above point, please remember that your peers may be incorrect –
listen to tutors above peers!

PSY002-1 Psychology Assignment UK