HEST3216 Health And Social Care
HEST3216 Health And Social Care Management Assignment 1
Choose a current problem in UK Health and Social Care. Prepare a presentation about this problem, applying what you have learned in the module to:
1. give a clear description and analysis of the problem; 2. identify causes for this problem on the level of management; 3. propose whatchanges you would makein management to address the problem, discussing at least ONE in detail; 4. explore any other ways in which questions of management might be relevant to understanding the situation.
Make clear in your presentation which theories, approaches, and evidence you are using.
HEST3216 Health And Social Care
Things to do in the group presentation
1.Tell me what problem you have chosen, give me all the information I need to understand it, and show that you’re experts on it. 2.Tell me why this problem is happening. 3.Tell me what you’re going to do about the problem. 4. Talk about anything else related to the problem or your proposed solutions that you find interesting
HEST3216 Health And Social Care
1. Tell me what problem you have chosen.
•“This presentation will be about…”•Tell me everything we know about this problem: its history; what effects it’s having; how it might develop. •Find out as much information about it, and as many different perspectives on it, as you can. •Make me think you’re experts on it. •You could use statistics, qualitative research, accounts of individual experiences, media coverage, etc. •Give a sophisticated analysis of the problem, leading to 2.
2. Tell me why this problem is happening.
•When did it start? •Did something clearly change that led to the problem? •Was it the result of a bad decision? •Was it a combination of smaller-scale changes that led up to it over a longer period of time? •Was it a combination of these things? •Can you reasonably blame anyone for it? •Why has it not been solved already? •Have there been attempts to solve it, and why haven’t they worked? •Give a clear, scientific proposition about what has, or what combination of things have, caused the problem; like a doctor diagnosing a disease.
HEST3216 Health And Social Care
3. Tell me what you’re going to do about the problem
•What change are you going to make to solve it? •Why will this change solve the problem? •Give examples of similar changes that have been introduced elsewhere, and what their outcomes have been. •Explain what alternative they are, and why these aren’t good enough. •How will you make this change, and make sure it happens successfully? •Are there any risks or costs to making this change? •Describe what will happen after you make the change.
4. Talk about anything else you find interesting.
•This is optional, I’d just like to hear that you’re genuinely interested in your topic, and have more to say about it based on your research. •Are there theoretical approaches you think are particularly relevant here? •Are there any important political questions raised by your topic? •Does it have an important connection to anything else?
Structuring the presentation
•You don’t have to have one person doing each of these things. •You could each do one of them. •You could each say something about all of them. •You could have one person act as MC introducing each of the other members’ contributions. •You could divide them up in other ways. •Play to your strengths and interests.
The assessment has 2 components
2.Presentation strategy and style
•They’re not the same thing, and will need different approaches. •Both require extensive preparation and planning. •Both require decisions about division of labour. •You all have to say something in the presentation, but could each take more or less responsibility for different areas of the preparation. •Some people could do the majority of the research, others the majority of work converting it into the presentation.
HEST3216 Health And Social Care
Group presentation
Module Learning outcomes
• Develop an analytical and critical understanding of key management and organisational issues which influence the delivery of health and social care services. • Critically analyse the application of these key issues through exploration of the role of management and managers in UK health and social care. • Discuss and apply theory to practice and explore the impact upon health and social care delivery • Develop an understanding of the dynamic nature of the mixed economy of welfare • Adopt a reflective approach to the use of academic skills in higher education
PBL Presentation (70%) 30 mins
•Choose a relevant topic in HSC •Key issues, relating theory/policy and outcome/ implications •Submit Presentation Slides via Turnitin •Group presentations during last 2 weeks •Peer marking – submit onto Turnitin on he day of assessment •Weeks 24 and 25
HEST3216 Health And Social Care
Presentation guidance –getting started step one
• Choose a contemporary issue within Health and Social Care
-The mental health crisis
-Overcrowding in A and E
-Frailty in care homes
-Meeting needs associated with the demographic shift
-The needs of the workforce: recruitment and retention
-The needs of less well served groups in society/barriers to access
-Safeguarding in a given context for example –preventing abuse in care homes
Step two
•Research the critical issues and challenges for managers and leaders •Evaluate the opportunities •Select one small change and critically evaluate this using leadership and management theory and change theory and research •Summarise and highlight the gaps and make recommendations
Use relevant literature, policy reports, research and theory- critical evaluation of your sources and weighing up of evidence and use of argument are important.
•Extension requests •Deferrals •If submit late: •Within 14 days capped at 40 •After 14 days marked 0 •Non-submission = 0 •Non-attendance = complete deferral – individual powerpoint presentation and 1,000 words discussion paper •Need 40% module overall to pass •Resits in August •Overall module capped at 40 •Use Turnitin Originality Report •Be fair to your group in peer marking