HSSW513 PhotoVoice Essay Assignment 2
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Assessment Notes: Critical analysis of a human rights issue within the community using a photovoice methodology.
Relates to Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2, ULO4, ULO5
PhotoVoice is a research methodology commonly used with disadvantaged groups as a way to examine their interactions with, and perceptions of, the world. Photos become the visual image through which a story can be told.
Over the weeks of learning in this unit specific human rights treaties and conventions have been examined, as well as core concepts such as human rights in terms of dignity and what happens when it is oppressed – when basic freedoms are denied. What are the types of infringements of human rights that are at issue?
HSSW513 PhotoVoice Essay Assignment 2
a)Choose a topic explored in module 2 of this unit (Disability, First nations etc) related to human rights and social justice where you believe dignity has been oppressed and freedoms have been denied.
b) Using peer-reviewed articles, scholarly books, reports and studies by respected groups or entities, as well as media pieces where relevant, exploring the following points:
HSSW513 PhotoVoice Essay Assignment 2
1.Describe and define the issue you’ve chosen to explore and why it is important. Do not simply explore ‘disability’ broadly, choose a focus such as people with cognitive impairment, or women with disability.
2.Identify the discourses operating in the public, practice and policy domains, in particular, the primary or overriding discourses, as well as the subversive or challenging discourses, and the latent and emerging discourses.
3.Identify the human issues relating to the topic – what is the impact to individuals and groups who experience diminished human rights as a result of being part of a marginalised or vulnerable population group.
4.Explore, through analysis of evidence, the human rights relevant to this particular issue? Why?
5.Identify which Australian and international laws, treaties or conventions are relevant to the issue and explain your conclusions with specific references to this context (e.g. the High Court decision in 2016 regarding off-shore detention centres for asylum seekers and refugees in Australia).
HSSW513 PhotoVoice Essay Assignment 2
6.How has this issue been perceived and debated within Social Work? If it has not been discussed, what might be the benefits of Social Workers leading a discussion (you may search for blogs, media articles, social media posts from AASW etc)
The marking rubric for this assessment piece can be downloaded here.
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