NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3
Assessment type: Case study
Word count: 2000 words
Total mark: 40%
Related Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Learning outcomes : 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the ageing process and associated complexities and relevant nursing care. 2. Demonstrate an awareness of own personal, cultural and social attitudes and beliefs about ageing and how they might shape nursing care of the older person. 3. Identify the range of services available to older people across the continuum of care. 4. Initiate and implement the nursing process to deliver appropriate, quality nursing care to older persons displaying different conditions and in a range of environments. 5. Examine comprehensive assessments of the older person. 6. Assess the importance of the role of the nurse in the interdisciplinary approach to care planning and implementation of care.
NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3

NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3

NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3
Assessment requirements
Relevance :
The global population is ageing at an increasing rate, and the elderly population make up the majority of patients in acute care and aged and community care services. It is essential that registered nurses understand the ageing process and care considerations for the ageing population.
This assessment provides an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in this unit to demonstrate an understanding of the ageing process and clinical reasoning when caring for an elderly patient.

NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3

Case Study
You are working in a remote aboriginal community clinic as a Registered Nurse. Your next patient is Ms Florence ‘Flo’ Ljukuta and her husband Lionel. They both identify as Indigenous Australians. Flo is 70 years old, and Lionel is 84 years old. Flo is the primary carer for her husband, who has physical disabilities due to a stroke and was recently diagnosed with dementia. Flo would typically attend the clinic regularly, but you notice in her records she has not presented in nearly 12 months. The last entry on the eHealth record is a hospital visit due to a fall last year. When Flo and Lionel arrive, you notice that Flo is limping, and both appear underweight. You also notice Flo and Lionel looking untidy, wearing clothes that appear to be dirty, which is very unusual for them. You read both Flo and Lionel’s medical file and identify no services are currently linked to them, and Flo is looking after many other family members in her house.
When you ask Flo what has brought her in, she tells you she has a wound on her right foot which she has been dressing at home for three months, but it is not getting better. Flo tells you she hasn’t seen a doctor about her foot earlier because it was only a small wound and she didn’t want to trouble anyone. Flo also stated that because she doesn’t drive, she is finding it difficult to catch public transport with Lionel. She can’t leave him at home because he sometimes becomes agitated and upset, plus the children are so busy looking after their little ones that she doesn’t want to bother them.

NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3

Task Instructions: Write paragraphs in response to TWO question prompts and the case study information provided

Question 1: What aged care services and interdisciplinary care could be provided to Flo to maintain independence?

You should:

• Identify TWO aged care services and TWO interdisciplinary referrals
• Explain WHAT the service/referral will do for Flo and WHY Flo needs the service/referral
• Discuss what impact Flo’s location may have on accessing the service/referral

NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3

NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3

Question 2: Discuss how personal, cultural and social attitudes and beliefs about ageing can affect the care of the older person.

Suggested procedure
1. Review your course content and any extra materials on the topics of elderly nursing care.
2. Review the question points and the subpoints highlighted above.
3. Write your response, focussing on the effective use of paragraphs to divide the discussion into sections. Suggested word limits:
a. Question 1 approx. 1000 words
b. Question 2: approx. 1000 words
4. Support your discussion with a minimum of 10 references. Use the Library search page and/or databases to locate appropriate journal articles.

NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3

Presentation guidelines
Word length : 2000 words +/- 10%, including the in-text citations. The reference list is NOT included in the word count.
Structure : short answer format.
Font : Calibri or Times New Roman size 11
Line spacing and alignment : 1.5 or double spacing with left-blocking for paragraphs. Indents are NOT required.
Page numbers : number pages in the bottom right-hand corner

NUR341 Nursing Assignment 3