NUR410 Infectious And Tropical Diseases
Word count : 100 – 500 words
Overview and purpose : This assessment provides the opportunity for you to focus on creating and developing an e-Portfolio that showcases your personal development towards the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice throughout your degree. You will demonstrate achievement of professional competencies by applying to a mock job application form for a registered nurse position using PebblePad.
NUR410 Infectious And Tropical Diseases
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Task Description: using PebblePad (access via your Student Portal)
1. Create a Portfolio – Using the mock job application case scenario below, address the selection criteria by describing your professional competencies, skills or qualifications (100 – 500 words). Provide examples of how you address each criteria by linking your statement with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s [NMBA] Registered Nurse Standards for Practice.
NUR410 Infectious And Tropical Diseases
What are nursing selection criteria?
Nursing selection criteria are a set of standards determined by the employer that a nurse candidate is expected to meet. Organisations create these criteria by considering the skills and experience the organisation or a specific department needs. Selection criteria help those making hiring decisions shortlist suitable individuals for interviews. It also ensures that the organisation evaluates every person interested in the role by the same criteria, giving qualified candidates an equal chance of getting the job. Selection criteria don’t include a job’s non-negotiable requirements but offer proof a person can perform certain tasks or meet specific challenges.
S123 NUR410 Assessment 3B – Case Scenario.pdf
Example – Click here to view a PebblePad e-portfolio example
2. Share your Portfolio as a web link or with people in the Part B (PebblePad Link): Assessment 3 submission point.
3. Submit a text version as a .pdf or .docx file format in the Part B (TurnItIn): Assessment 3 submission point.
Watch the videos below to help you create your ePortfolio easily. On completion of this assessment item, you’ll gain experience using Web 2.0 digital technology which you can also add to your list of essential skills as part of your resume.
NUR410 Infectious And Tropical Diseases
PebblePad – Introduction to PebblePad
How do I share an Asset as a web link on PebblePad?
PebblePad allows you to share an Asset as a web link, so that you may send your Asset to be assessed by your Unit Coordinator.
assessed by your Unit Coordinator.
To share an Asset as a web link:
- From your PebblePad home screen, go to your Asset Store and open the Asset you wish to share as a link.
- Click on the ‘I want to…‘ button in the top right and then click ‘Share‘:
- Next, click on With the Web:
- Tick the box next to ‘Allow viewer to leave a comment‘ to allow the Unit Coordinator to open your link to leave a comment:
- Make sure you also leave ‘Hide from search engines‘ ticked, as this ensures your Asset can only be accessed by with the link.
- Click on ‘Share asset‘. You will now be given a web link which you can send to anyone you want to view your Asset. Click on ‘Copy this URL‘ to copy the link to your clipboard and then paste it into the Assessment 3 Submission Point
To share an Asset with people:
- From your PebblePad home screen, go to your Asset Store, and select the asset you want to share by clicking the check box to the left of its name
- Click the I want to… button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and then select Share
- Select I would like to share this… With people
- Enter nur410@XXX.XXX.XX