NUR312 Life Crisis Assessment 2
Word Count : 2000
Weight : 50%
Marking Criteria measured : 1. Apply a reflective practice model to critically describe your ability to care and your ability to practice in crisis 2. Critically self-appraise your ability to care for other in crisis 3. Interpret, analyse and use evidence to identify and delineate practice in diverse and complex health care settings (your chosen life crisis case is used as a basis for this interpretation) 4. Identifies future learning goals and delineates a comprehensive action plan for professional clinical practice improvement. 4. Application of the principles and practices of reflective and academic writing and referencing in the style appropriate to the discipline. Ethical use of intellectual property.
NUR312 Life Crisis Assessment 2

NUR312 Life Crisis Assessment 2

Individual/Group : The Reflection assignment is an Individual Assessment Item. You may work collaboratively with other students to understand concepts in this course, but your answers must be your individual research, interpretation and application of the materials.

Formative/Summative : Summative

Presentation requirements: This assessment task must:

  • Times New Roman Size 12 Justified 1.5 line spacing
  • use APA referencing for citing academic literature
  • be submitted in electronic format as a.doc document

NUR312 Life Crisis Assessment 2

Task description: Using the stated reflective model, you will write a reflection which analyses your learning specifically related to a case scenario employed throughout the course Please see link with the available case scenarios

What you need to do: Please do not make up case data. Do not write from the perspective of an RN/RM. Write from the perspective of a student RN/RM at the current stage of your program with your level of knowledge and expertise.

Please use a heading to indicate the sections of the Reflective model.

NUR312 Life Crisis Assessment 2

Reporting (250 words) Please provide a brief description of the case you have chosen to discuss. Do not repeat the case details- tell me what were the issues of the case. For example, the issue may have been IV drug use, occupational violence and personal safety in the maternity context. You need to identify what your weaknesses are in your ability to appropriately respond to the case and provide care

Responding (250 words) Provide your personal response to the situation including your thoughts and feelings.
You may identify weaknesses here as well if your weaknesses include a lack of compassion or empathy. Helpful phrases are ‘I felt…’, ‘I thought…’, ‘I believe…’, ‘I think…’.

Relating (500 words) In this section you need to link your weaknesses to the wider healthcare profession.For example, I felt a lack of compassion for the mother who used drugs and endangered her child. This lack of compassion and empathy has been identified as a barrier to appropriate care provided by RNs within the maternity context (reference). This section should be heavily referenced. 

NUR312 Life Crisis Assessment 2

NUR312 Life Crisis Assessment 2

Reasoning (500 words)
In this section you need to explore and explain the issue and the significant factors that contributed to the issue. For example, IV drug use in the maternity context is a significant issue worldwide (reference). Therefore, RNs need to be able to set aside their personal biases in order to provide compassionate care (reference). The provision of compassionate care to IV drug addicts within the maternity setting has been associated with increased help seeking behaviors and therefore improved outcomes for both the mother and infant (reference).This section should be heavily referenced.

Reconstructing (500 words)
In this section you need to draw conclusions your ability to practice and about the issues you discuss. You need to delineate goals for your future practice using the SMART goal acronym- see FAQs for an example. You need to write a tangible action plan detailing how you will reach your goals.


  • Make sure you draw on best available evidence to support your assessment. Journal articles and text books must be no older than 10 years old. 
  • Referencing correctly is an easy way to secure marks so put effort into this.
  • Draft turnitin is set up for you to use so you can check your referencing in your assessment. Be sure to fix any issues before submitting your final assessment.
  • You can use I only because this is a reflection
  • Make sure you use correct medical terminology within your assessment.

NUR312 Life Crisis Assessment 2

To be continue…