AN523 Adult Nursing Assignment
Assignment task
Of three scenarios, you will need to select and answer two. The aim of the assignment is to test your knowledge as outlined in learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 5.
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
LO 1 -> Utilise and apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology to critically understand the nursing assessment and holistic management of adults.
LO 2 -> Demonstrate a critical understanding of a range of nursing skills to deliver safe and effective care to adults.
LO 3 Identify and analyse the best available evidence to care for adults in a range of care environments.
Identify and analyse the best available evidence to care for adults in a range of care
LO 5 -> their families
AN523 Adult Nursing Assignment
Task requirements
The selected two scenarios should be separately presented in an academic essay format, with a clear introduction, body, conclusion, and use an appropriate formal academic style. Do not include headings and sub-headings.
The structure of each answer to the care delivery should include the following:
Introduction (Approximately, 150 words*). This will acknowledge which scenario you are addressing. Please do not just lift from the assignment brief/question, think of the fundamental care delivery as a whole. Briefly describe what the assignment will encapsulate. You may also consider:
How would you address the patient, confidentiality and dignity?
How would you seek consent?
How would you maintain infection control?
Main body (Approximately, 900 words*). In this section, you should consider:
The definition of the condition
The pathophysiology of the condition
A-E assessment applying to the patient, their observations…
Medical interventions, including tests
Pharmacology (medications, including side effects)
Nursing care
Evaluation of the care delivery (Approximately, 100 words*). In this section, you should consider
NEWS, SBAR and what you would do in case of improvement and
Conclusion and possible recommendations (Approximately, 100 words*). In this section, you should consider:
Briefly describe what you’ve discussed, thinks of what next for the individual, being cared in the community.
AN523 Adult Nursing Assignment
Answer two of the three questions
Question 1
Harry Ware is a 45-year-old gentleman who has recently visited his General Practitioner (GP) complaining of a ‘chest infection’. He was admitted immediately to your ward where he was diagnosed as suffering from acute bronchopneumonia. On admission, he had a productive cough and complained of general pain in his chest when breathing deeply, felt lethargic and tired.
Ward baseline Observations
• Oxygen saturations 85% on 2 litres (24%)
• Temp 39 0 C
• Blood Pressure 110/60mm Hg
• Pulse 125 beats per minute
• Respiratory rate 32 breaths per minute
Medications as per drug chart;
• Oxygen 2 litres continual via nasal or mask
• Amoxicillin 500mg IV tds (three times a day)
• Paracetamol 1g qds (four times a day)
Six hours after admission, Harry’s condition deteriorated, and he became pyrexia and was sweating. His breathing was noisy and rapid, with a faint expiratory wheeze. His tachycardia was increasing, and his pulse felt weaker than it did earlier (and his respiration rate was increasing). Harry was also more lethargic than he was on admission.
Discuss Harry’s acute management and nursing care in the first 24 hours following the deterioration with reference to the relevant pathophysiology.
Question 2
Iqbal Kadaffi is a 62-year-old married Asian gentleman. He has over recent months complained of feeling unwell, with indigestion-like discomfort not relieved by antacids and shortness of breath. He has not been to see his doctor.
One night whilst lying on his bed he started having unbearable chest pain, which was radiating to the left side of his neck and pain between his shoulder blades. An ambulance was called, and he was taken to the hospital. Following further examination, in the A&E department, it was confirmed that he had a myocardial infarction (MI). He was transferred to your ward.
Medications as per drug chart
• Aspirin 75 mg OD (Once a day)
• Glyceryl trinitrate spray
• IV Diamorphine 2.5mg as required
• IV cyclizine 50mg as required
Ward baseline Observations
• Oxygen saturation 90% on room air
• Temperature 37.5°C
• Blood pressure 100/60mmHg
• Pulse 125 beats per minute
• Respiration rate 28 breaths per minute
Considering relevant pathophysiology, discuss Iqbal’s acute management and nursing care for the first 24hours of his admission.
AN523 Adult Nursing Assignment
Question 3
Maria Carr is a 67-year-old retired teacher. She has been admitted to the accident and emergency (A&E) department with left sided arm and facial weakness, which started an hour ago. While in A&E an emergency CT scan was performed and confirms the diagnosis of an ischaemic stroke. As Maria had been in A&E less than 4.5 hours, the medical team administered Alteplase 900 micrograms/kg as prescribed. GCS and BP to be monitored at 30- minute intervals to check for deterioration. If BP increases above 180 mmHg systolic or 105 mmHg diastolic, Maria is to be reviewed by the medical team. She has been transferred to the
acute stroke unit. You have been assigned to her care. On admission Maria is very drowsy but responding to verbal stimuli, she is snoring loudly, and her left sided weakness remains.
Medications as per drug chart
Dipyridamole 200 mg BD (twice a day)
Aspirin 75 mg OD (once a day)
Ward baseline Observations
Pulse: 90 beats per minute
Respiration rate: 9 breaths per minute
Blood Pressure: 170/95mmHg
Temperature: 36.5 0 C
Oxygen saturation: 94% on Room Air
Verbal on ACVPU scale
Her pupils are size 3mm equal and reacting to light (PEARL)
Glasgow Coma Scale: 11
Considering relevant pathophysiology, discuss Maria’s acute management and nursing care in the first 24 hours after admission.
AN523 Adult Nursing Assignment
Ensure that you use the Harvard system of referencing. The University Referencing and Cite Them Right guidelines are available in the Learning Development Unit Blackboard shell. You should provide one reference list for both questions.
How your work will be assessed
Your work will be assessed using level 5 Marking Grid, which covers :
Presentation /15 (see below),
Please note: You need a front sheet on this submission:
Student number and cohort
SpLD sticker if applicable
Module code and name
The submission date
The module leader’s name
Word counts, one for each scenario
Text should be Ariel Font 12, left hand justified only and an additional line space
between paragraphs.
The word count for this assignment is 1250 words for each scenario, excluding the
reference list. Please note the University guidelines which stipulate that you may
submit 10% over or under this word count.
Two word counts are needed, they should be declared as “Scenario 1 ??? words,
Scenario 2 ??? words)”. Word count excludes the reference list and word count itself.
Write in an appropriately formal academic style, avoiding contractions (e.g., don’t,
won’t, etc.) and informal or spoken forms of language. Avoid sub-titles, beyond
Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, use the number actually attached to the Scenario below.
Referencing /15 (how you use the references and how you record them, some items will need more than one reference)
Separate reference lists-one list for both questions. References on the reference list to be presented in alphabetical order.
Knowledge and understanding /25 (knowledge of the care delivery). The definition of the condition, the pathophysiology of the condition, A-E assessment applying to the patient, their observations…, medical interventions, including tests, pharmacology (medications, including side effects), nursing care
Integrating academic learning with practice /20 (this section will consider how you have demonstrated the ability to integrate biological sciences and nursing theories to provide in- depth understanding/rationale for use of skills/interventions required when caring for the acutely ill patient).
Analysis /20 (this section will consider of how you have demonstrated the ability to critique relevant theory & practice from a broad range of perspectives and has used these to reflect on own practice, demonstrates a sustained critically analytical approach).
Synthesis and Evaluation /5 (This section will consider of how you demonstrated the ability to assemble and link ideas and evidence from a full range of relevant sources, evaluates data to build a reasoned and articulated argument; conclusion drawn demonstrates insight and creative thought).
Be sure not to identify any individual or organisation directly or by implication in your work (NMC, 2018).
Be aware, for unsafe practice, the academic regulations demand a penalty.