BHS009-6 Medical And Imaging Cryobiology
Literature Review
word count : 2000
Brief Description of Assessment Task
You are required to review the use of one or more staining and/or visualisation techniques within the field of biomedical engineering that allow us to see what is happening inside cell and/or tissues.
BHS009-6 Medical And Imaging Cryobiology
Skills taught / practiced / assessed
Core technical skills : –
Subject specific skills :- Principles of visualisation techniques Applications of imaging technologies to biomedical engineering
Transferable skills :- Reviewing literature Use of word processing software Information research Time management Report writing Referencing
BHS009-6 Medical And Imaging Cryobiology
Maths / Statistics : –
Relation to the Unit Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the physical techniques used to visualise biological systems at different length scales within the context of biomedical engineering.
Work autonomously to integrate, develop and synthesise principles of imaging techniques and image reconstruction.
Outline Of Report Structure
The report should cover three key areas:
- the physical basis of the technique(s) (400-600 words)
- the technical challenges involved in making each technique a usable method for the visualisation of biological samples and the steps that have been taken to overcome these challenges (400-600 words)
- discussion of how the technique(s) has the potential to be applied in the laboratory (or perhaps already are being applied) within the field of biomedical engineering (~1000 words). This should include a critical appraisal of the varied strategies and options available within the technique, a discussion of applications where each might be the method of choice and what developments we can expect in the future.
References to literature sources should be included in all sections as appropriate. Refer to text books and research journals that you can find in the library or through the LRC electronic resources and use the UoB Harvard system of referencing available here If you use an internet source, it must be from a university or medical web site and it should be authored, not from Wikipedia or other sites with unknown authors. Please ensure that your references relate to the relevant documents and their authors/publishers etc., NOT just the place where you found them.
BHS009-6 Medical And Imaging Cryobiology
The completed report should include your student number, unit code and assessment number, and should be submitted via BREO before the deadline (Friday xxnd March at 10am). Failure to submit your report by this time without approval from the mitigation team will result in a G/0 grade.
Grading Of Work And Feedback
The report will be marked according to the attached mark scheme, which explains our expectations in relation to the assessment criteria (quality of scientific understanding and analysis, critical evaluation and discussion, communication and structure, and use of literature and referencing). It will be marked on a percentage scale according to the University of Bedfordshire regulations.
Feedback comments and provisional grades will be provided through BREO on the date specified.
Student Support
Support for this assessment is given through the briefing tutorial which will outline the requirements for the task and provide an opportunity to clarify expectations. General writing support is available centrally through PAD and an introduction to general content areas is provided within the lectures. Support for literature searching and use of LRC resources is supported on an individual basis by the
departmental librarian.